пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

evinrude part

Yah know what? Classic mean girls. Yah, that didnapos;t really state much. Or did it state everything? I have been...and will continue to be...a mean girl. But Iapos;m not a "clasic" mean girl. I donapos;t put other people down to make myself feel better. I donapos;t put people down because its fun and Iapos;m witty enough to do it. I donapos;t get any joy in making people cry, upset, or just mad. But when I read old journal entries...and look back at my life...I am amused. Really Ohhhh I was bad. I was terrible. But I was attacked first. I donapos;t tend to make the first move.
Girl walking in front of me with friend...They turn around, look at me, and then start laughing. Sooo kitty grabs her sweet little pony tail, pulls her backwards, and slams that pretty head into the wall. I was provoked, I swear That was freshman year. Fun, huh? Thats just an example. Iapos;m better with words. Like the 5 foot tall freshman that wanted to kick my ass when I was a senior. Held up five bucks and said "Iapos;ll pay you five bucks if your short lil leg can reach my ass" She didnapos;t like that, and bothered me no more. Maybe because I continued to remind her I still had that five bucks for her. Hmmmmm, maybe not.
Now today was fun...because I donapos;t get along with my store manager, and she thinks she is the shit...sometimes. Today seemed to be one of those times. Now earlier I had checked my schedule and saw I did not exist on it. Asked her about it, and she said she hadnapos;t seen the schedule, the other manager, Yolanda, had made it, and she would look into it. Well later on while I was being my usual sweet self ( a wise ass) my store manager said (jokingly) that if I kept it up I would no longer be on the schedule. "I am the boss. I hold the big key. I have a say in everything that goes on." And what did kitty say to that? "If thats true, then why didnapos;t you have a clue about the schedule next week?" Ahhh, point for kitty. Defeated lil store manager.
And my hair is braided today...so I was called pig-tails all day. And when my store manager asked how long it took to braid my hair, I answered sweetly that Junior does it for me. "You wake him up at 4 am to braid your hair?" "No," I said. "I wake him up at 4:30." She laughed and said "Thats not much better. I would never do that." I just looked at her and said "And this is why you and I are not married." and miss store manager with a response to everything HAD to say "Youapos;d never survive a marriage with me." So quick-witted me just laughed and told her "No darling, you wouldnapos;t survive a marraige with ME. After all...Iapos;m the one waking your ass up to braid my hair." No response...she walked away. Fine. Weapos;re sooooo over.

See Iapos;m funny. Sarcastic. Kind of a bitch. But good at what I do. And when your good at something...never do it for free. So pretty much I get paid to bullshit my way through a day...and while actually doing some work...getting on the nerves of management. But my postion is secure enough. They love me...against their will. I bring something different to the table for them. When someone pisses off someone else...Iapos;m the one over the intercom yelling "blanket party" Hahaha, too bad those who come running canapos;y actually do anything. So we just bitch, moan, and be the mean lil backstabbers that we are. Management lies to everyone. Employess backstab you. And the morning crew? We just royally fuck you over. Ohhh yah, its a good place to work. Too bad the boys I liked moved on with their jobs. Cause there used to be a whole lot of flirting. There still is...but some spies have been brought it...so I stay far away from that.
See they just transferred my supervisor. Guess she couldnapos;t handle us. Her and I would be hugging each other one day...and screaming at each other the next day. She said in her sweet voice "Kat is actually doing work?" And sweet lil me fired back with "Iapos;m not the one hiding by my damn desk everyday while thereapos;s work to do. Now pick up a box and move your ass." Yah...good times. She wanted to walk us around the store one day and point out all the things wrong so she said "Field trip children Everyone on the bus" And as usualy...my response was "Oh, are you the bus? cause we can fit a few more people." soooo Iapos;m kind of an ass. So what? Now we have a new supervisor. Iapos;ve been giving her hell all the same. Sheapos;s already thrown a box at me. I tripped her the next time she walked by. Maybe Iapos;m the reason we are going through so many supervisors????? Oh welll. I love it all the same. Cause Iapos;m me...and I donapos;t care what you think. I get treated like shit, get paid shit, and so I dish out the bullshit.

Ohhhhh yahhhhh

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