воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

esteem low self test

Friday afternoon I left work early for an appointment. It was a lovely, autumn day and I enjoyed it during my drive to my appointment. I could have done without the doctor making me jump out of my skin when he pressed on the sore parts of my hands. I declined his offer on how to resolve the problem (needles, yuck). He suggested I return in four months, I countered with six months. Small doses works for me. I spent the rest of the day with hands on ice, off and on.

Then a visit to my brotherapos;s where he and I and my sister-in-law watched "Iron Man." I love that movie.

I made it home in time to try to watch Sanctuary. Thereapos;s no way around it for me--Sanctuary is a bad show. Iapos;ve tried to watch it three times now. Its ideas and writing and acting, all sub-par (seriously, I havenapos;t rolled my eyes this much since I was a teenager). Maybe it worked better on the web? I like Amanda Tapping, but not here. The character of the daughter is boring. The main guy reads like a weaker and less interesting Daniel Jackson--i canapos;t help it, the guy reminds me of Daniel in the early seasons of SG1. So, unless in the game of apos;spot that Stargate actorapos;, David Hewlett or Joe Flanigan or Rachel Luttrell or Jason Mamoa or Michael Shanks shows up, I wonapos;t be watching Sanctuary.

As for SGAapos;s latest? I am thrilled by the confident competence of McKay when he has to save himself. I adore Sheppard (what wasnapos;t to love about that fond smile he gave Rodney). Ronon is adorable and Teyla exudes calm and strength. I enjoy the friendship and cohesion of the team. I continue to not like Carson much (he was never a favorite).

Only eight episodes left. I, for one, will be sad

How does one train a puppy to stop chasing the cat? To stay out of particular room?

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