пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

ayurveda indien

So the Sidewalk Solutions men finally replaced the sidewalk. Much less sturn und drang than anticipated: one day to jackhammer it out and bulldoze it flat, concrete poured the next day, cleanup the third day, done and done

After they left the first day, I checked for tree roots where the crack was; nothin but dirt. Apparently the city inspector agreed. So the evergreen stays WOOHOO

I tried to keep the kids off it while it dried the second day (actually, one of the workers stayed til it was nearly done), but someone snuck past the many, many sawhorse barriers and drew some smiley faces and scuffed it up with the little bit of still-soft concrete sitting on the side.

So I went out there with some water and a whisk broom and...made it much, much worse trying to clear off the mess. When the workers returned for the cleanup, they spent a long time trying to repair the damage; it looks OK now, but not as good as if the hooligans had just left it the frack alone.

Mainly I am happy that the tree is staying, and that my prop mgr didnapos;t drop by as planned.

Oh yeah, and the tree, the TREE When he dropped by weeks ago to inspect the sidewalk damage, he did a tour of the (exterior) premises and decided the neighborapos;s mimosa overhanging the garage had to be cut back. He penciled that in for my biannual gardener visit.

Sure enough, about a week later, my lazy Sunday afternoon nap was interrupted by loud loud chainsaws. When I went outside to see who had done what, the mimosa was hacked to bits All of the lovely branches shielding my backyard from the prying eyes of passersby (no fence)? GONE

The branches over the neighborapos;s yard were gone as well; turns out my prop mgr had nothing to do with it and was unaware of it. So apparently the neighbors reached the same conclusion at exactly the same time?

And yeah, itapos;s easier to get my car into the garage, and now I donapos;t whack my head when I ride my bike down the driveway, but yeesh. The backyard feels so...exposed now.

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